Report on users MFA status in Office 365 using PowerShell

During a recent audit we wanted to confirm what users had MFA enabled in Office 365. We use conditional access policy to enforce MFA.

We wanted to check each users to see if they had setup MFA and had a method configured. We also wanted to get information on licensing status and assigned licenses.

The only pre-req for using the script is that the MSOnline Powershell module is installed.

To install the MSOline module open and admin PowerShell windows and run

Install-Module -Name MSOnline

To confirm the module is installed run the below command.

Get-Module -ListAvailable MSOnline
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-26.png

First we need to connect to MS Online to do this run


Once connected to check the MFA status I will be using the StrongAuthenticationMethods properties as if MFA is configured for the user there will be a default method set.

For users that haven’t configured MFA no StrongAuthenticationMethods is set.

Below are the 4 methods available for MFA.


In the script I only want to return the default method.

There is only one mandatory parameter for the export path where the report will be exported to.

The below is an example of how to run the report.

.\Office365_MFA_Report.ps1 -ExportPath C:\temp

Below is what the output will look like.

The full script can be downloaded from the below link.

Scripts/Office365_MFA_Report.ps1 at master · TheSleepyAdmin/Scripts (

Weekly Active Directory Audit Report PowerShell

Recently a request came in from our security team to audit recently create, deleted AD object, accounts due to expire (this is for third party users) and modified / created group policy objects so that they would be able to trace the changes happening in Active Directory.

I decided to write a PowerShell script that will export the required information and then send a the csv export to the user that require the information.

This could also be used to import the data to a dashboard by either using the CSV files or if the dashboard can use direct PowerShell script like PowerBI.

First there are some mandatory parameters. Exportpath and domain.

To allow the script to be run without emailing the csv I have left the smtpserver, to and from address as not mandatory parameters.

The script used two different modules

Group Policy:


To install these go on a Windows server go to add roles and features and select Group policy Management

and under RSAT enabled the Active Directory module.

Once all the features are enable we can run the script.

I have set the default time to last 7 days but if you want to go back further then update the date value.

To run the script so that it just export local without email the reports use the below.

.\WeeklyAD_AuditReport_V1.ps1 -exportPath c:\Temp\AD_Audit\ -domains domian.local

To email the report use the below

.\WeeklyAD_AuditReport_V1.ps1 -SMTPServer mailserver.domain.local -toAddress administrator@domain.local -FromAddress ADreport@domain.local -exportPath c:\Temp\AD_Audit\ -domains domian.local

Once the script completes we can check that the csv files have been created.

If the SMTP server parameter is set, the script will send a email and add the csv as attachments.

Below is what the outputs should look like.


Deleted Objects:

Account expire:

The full script can be downloaded from the below link to my GitHub.

Scripts/ActiveDirectory/WeeklyReport at master · TheSleepyAdmin/Scripts (

The script can then be set to run as a scheduled task to run on a weekly scheduled.